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Get your tax compliance taken care of

Self-assessment tax returns

We provide more than a compliance service. Maximise reliefs and plan for the future with forward looking advice.

You’d expect us to do this. And we do. With one of the biggest tax teams in Scotland, we’ve got you covered.

Let's talk

60 day Capital Gains Tax returns

The sale of many properties now comes with an added reporting requirement. A tax return reporting the sale, and payment of capital gains tax, can often be required within 60 days of many sales. 

We can advise on whether you need to report the sale and what the tax will be, and prepare the tax return. 

Let's talk

Trust and Estate tax returns and the Trust Registration Service

Many trusts are required to prepare annual tax returns, and many more now need to be notified to HMRC under the Trust Registration Service.  

Whatever the size and nature of your trust we can help you meet your tax filing requirements. We will also help ensure that the trust is dealt with effectively in meeting its objectives and planning for the future. 

Let's talk

Inheritance tax returns

Inheritance tax reporting is not only needed after a death. Trusts are subject to complex inheritance tax rules. 

We ensure your inheritance tax is correctly reported and paid to HMRC. We also provide proactive advice to help you plan for the future. 

Let's talk

Speak to one of our team