The world’s changing rapidly. In fact, a great deal since our business was founded in 1885.
We’ve evolved too. The way we operate and support you is radically different. Change is a prompt to embrace new thinking; to modernise. We’re moving in new directions, and to capture this we’re launching a new brand.
We’ve been working hard on this project for the past few months. It’s the next part of our story, and sets the scene for what we can do for you in the future.
New times calls for innovation. The means might be different, but the point is the same. And that’s to support you towards a successful future. For all that machines can do, it’s the people that matter. We work with numbers, but for people.
We’ve distilled the thinking behind our new brand in this manifesto:
We are CT.
We are two sides working in perfect harmony.
We are our history and our vision for the future.
We are our legacy and our innovation.
We are our experience, our passion.
We are your goals, your demands.
We are everyone who has walked through these doors.
We are multiple departments and areas of expertise.
But we are one team.
We are one goal.
We are CT.